North Ainslie Masterplan Workshops

2020 September

Paul Barnett Design Group has been working on the North Ainslie Primary School Masterplan since June 2020. A series of community consultation and workshop events were held with students, staff, and the P&C to “transform the oval into an exciting, inviting, engaging and enduring multi-purpose playscape” (North Ainslie P&C Association). Paul spent a lot of time with students guiding them through a design language and shared many case studies of other naturescapes in Canberra. It was a great exercise to work with the community and develop a master plan with everyone’s input.

We had an outstanding presentation from Paul Barnett of Paul Barnett Design Group at last week’s meeting. Paul and his team are very passionate about designing regenerative landscapes and have been working with schools in Canberra for the last 15 years. His grasp of the most current evidence base is excellent, and we explored some best-practice design approaches with him for around 45 minutes.

North Ainslie Primary School Newsletter Gang Gang Gazette- 1st May 2020

Today we had Paul Barnett begin his consultation on our oval project with our students by presenting to a group of year 5/6s. Before the presentation our Student Leaders, Sports Leaders, Indigenous Leaders and Green Team Leaders worked… on some questions Paul had sent through to start them thinking and researching into what the possibilities might be for the oval and how we would like to care for the land and make the most of it as we re-develop the area.

North Ainslie Primary School Newsletter Gang Gang Gazette- 7th August 2020
North Ainslie Masterplan Workshops with Students, Parents and Staff

Paul Barnett spent some time with our six student leaders as part of the consultation process for our senior oval re-design. Over the last 2 weeks, the student leaders worked with students from Years 3-6 to collate their ideas and opinions on the senior oval re-design. They then represented the student body and shared their findings with Paul. As part of the workshop, Paul took the student leaders through the design process he follows and how we connect our vision, ideas and design to create a new space for all to enjoy.

North Ainslie Primary School Newsletter Gang Gang Gazette- 4th Sep 2020

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